
This week for Literacy we have been learning how to structure a Narrative. Once we learnt how to structure it we got to write a story here is mine.

Wanted Poster

    This week we read a story called the red ball.

After we read the story we had a follow up task. For it we had to make a wanted poster of one of the sisters.

It had to have what they looked like, were they were last seen and some extra information we thought was important.

Here’s my one.

Finished Black Hole

Earlier this term I posted about a black hole poster.since then we have water painted the background and painted a black hole. to paint the background we did smudges of really wet water paint and then blended it in. the colours we used were : light red, purple  and different shades of blue.

here’s  the final product :


Black Hole Project

This term my two friends and I started a space project as well as everyone in our class. The criteria for this was that we had to have five mini kind of paragraphs and be in a group of 1, 2, or 3. Me and my friends decided that we wanted to do our project on black holes and we made it into a poster.

We still have to finish it but so far we have written all the facts and just need to water paint the background and draw a black hole.

I will post the finished product.



Anzac reading Task

This week for Anzac Day me and my class started a new literacy task, though we got to pick what option we liked better.

The two options were either The Anzac Parade or First World War mascots. I chose the Anzac  parade and it was about how the little boy thought war was cool but he then found out about how horrible it was. After we read it we had some follow up tasks.

Here is a task of mine.

For me I had to fill in three pages.

Have you ever done follow up tasks?

Steps Web

This year in literacy and code ( spelling  ) we have been using Steps Web. Last year I didn’t use it but this year I am and so is everybody else. Steps helps us improve on spelling and understanding the words. When you start steps you need to do a placement test to see what level your on  it’s also  supposed to to challenge you. There is also a feature called assigned tasks these are tasks your teacher has set you for you  they will be your spelling words you have been learning during code. each week you get 20 steps to do ( I usually do 5 everyday  except Friday ) and we get 14 assigned tasks though it can change if your teacher wants it to.

What do you do to practice spelling?

Agree or Disagree

Last week in class we started a new peace of writing. For the topic we got to pick a question of our choice of an agree or disagree slide. I choose to write about why spring was the best season.

Have you ever done a agree or disagree writing or one were you get to pick a topic?width=100% height=1000px

Embedding Google Docs

As you can see I have Embedded a Google slide. Doing this it taught me how to show people my work on my blog with out having to make an untidy screenshot. In this picture as you can see I have shown my sustainability writing template. In  doing this I found it hard to find the code to show the hole picture but I enjoyed finding the embedding code.